Why A Clean Eating ReSet Is Important

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How it all began

My clean eating journey started about three years ago. I arrived at a place in my life where I no longer wanted to feel tired, suffer from stomach aches or listen to my doctor talk about hereditary high cholesterol. I was fed up! For a while I felt I didn’t have any control over the outcome of my health. From what I witnessed, you went to your doctors appointment, listen to the doctor, nod and agree and then go home and live your life mostly the same. Well, I quickly found out that there is more to this health game. I actually have the power to control my health and the best way to start is with the food I ingest. This led to me incorporating a regularly scheduled cleanse into my diet, also know as a reset.

What is a Clean Eating Reset

By definition, cleanse aka ReSet is defined as removing dirt or making something clean. Basically, a food-based ReSet is an opportunity to remove known toxins and “unhealthy foods” from our diet for a pre-determined amount of time.  The ReSet works through the process of taking out unsupported foods and adding in nutrient-rich and healing foods.  

Hitting the ReSet Button

Whenever I feel like I need to push the “re-set” button, clear out some junk in my trunk (literally and figuratively), come out of brain fog, start a new routine or realign with myself and what I want in my life, on all levels, I shift into cleanse/reset mode. Resetting my eating habits on a quarterly basis has helped me to achieve health goals as well as life goals. A great ReSet for me is way more than just what’s going into my mouth. It’s about what’s feeding me mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. There’s no denying the benefits of carving out periods of time in your life to give yourself, your digestion, your schedule, your mind, or your body a little extra attention, love, and intentional downtime.

5 Benefits to Resetting Your Eating Habits Regularly

  1. Weight Loss-  A healthy eating reset helps to restore the functional efficiency of both the gut and liver. Once proper metabolic function is established and the body’s ability to absorb and utilize nutrients is restored, long-term weight management is easier.
  2. Better Digestion- Water retention, slow digestion, and salty, processed foods contribute to something that we all suffer from: bloating.  Feed your body with nutritious vegetables, fruits, and herbs during a reset and you’ll naturally see a decrease in water retention and stomach bloat.  
  3. Increased Energy- Long days coupled with poor food choices can make the body feel tired and sluggish.  Resetting your eating habits can actually increase your energy so you can enjoy the entire day.  By removing foods that slow you down like sugars and processed foods, and adding vital nutrients like greens, herbs, and proteins, energy will increase naturally!
  4. Improved Mental Clarity- When toxins circulate through your body they inevitably reach the brain and your central nervous system. That may leave you feeling lethargic, put you in a mood, affect your ability to concentrate, give you poor sleeping patterns, cause anxiety or even depression. Resetting your eating habits is known to assist in developing coping strategies for stress and helps to put your mind at ease.
  5. Boost Immune System- A healthy eating reset can be a great way to cleanse your body and give your immune system a much needed boost. When your body is spending less time and energy on processing foods that can difficult to break down and offer the body few health benefits, that energy can be invested into other things, one of those things being the immune system.

If you are interested in learning more about Resetting Your Eating Habits click here. I offer quarterly Clean Eating ReSets and would love you to join us.

In good health,

Coach Shiva